20 Things Kentucky Families are Doing This Summer In Irvine

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Looking to plan a staycation?  Want to make the most of your time with your kids this summer and explore Kentucky?  

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50 distinctive quilt patterns can be found on barns all over Estill County.

Don’t miss out on fun right here at home.  Explore your local area or make a trip to Estill County  to complete your summer break to-do list.

1) Explore the Back Roads | by taking a country drive on the Quilt Trail

2) Enjoy the Small Things in life | at the Estill County Library Lego Club at 4pm on Thursdays

3) Bathe in Nature | at the Lily Mountain Nature Preserve

4) Explore Kentucky History | at the Fitchburg Furnace

5) Enjoy a Live Concert | at Rising Park behind the Estill County Library for Pickin’ in the Park on June 26th

6) Buy Local at the Farmers Market | Estill County Farmers Market on Fridays from 3:30-6:30pm at the Estill Co. Fairground Pavilion or on the 2nd Tuesdays of the month from 11-2pm

7) Go Camping or Plan a Retreat | at Aldersgate on the weekends – call for availability

8) Enjoy a Family Pizza Night | at the Steam Engine Pizza Pub

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Yes folks, that is the largest morel mushroom we have ever seen.

9) Climb on a Playground | at the Choo Choo Playground at Veterans Memorial Park

10) Get Emotional During a Movie | while watching A Wrinkle In Time at the Estill County Public Library on June 22 at 2pm

11) Take a Quintessential Hometown Photo | next to your public art

12) Relax By or on a Body of Water | at Heidelburg Park

13) Get a Brain Freeze | at The Twin 

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14) Experience a Festival | 2018 Estil County Fair, June 30th – July 7th

15) Catch the Local Lunch Special | at El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant

16) Participate in the Local Summer Reading Program | at the Estill County Public Library

17) Get in a Little Retail Therapy | at Main Street Sweets

18) Get Creative | at the Estill County Library on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 1:30 for Crafternoon

19) Go Fishing | on the Kentucky River at Heidelburg Park

20) Gather in the Moonlight | at the Moonlight Market on July 20, August 10 and September 7

